April 28, 1994
So many memories from last year flood back as I think about this date. I remember about every single part of this day last year.
Things grew. Things fell apart. Didn't even seem much of a 'Birthday'.
I look at that, count my mistakes,
But they don't really look like mistakes anymore.
I look at everything that happened and I actually miss it.
I mean.. Not miss in the sense that I want it to come back,
But miss in the sense that those are the things that made me who I am today, so it's sort of surreal to think about it.
I say, we should never be ashamed of things we've done.
We should embrace it..
Happy Birthday To Me
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 11:59 AM | 0 comments
RT @hustleGRL: Thank Me Later is completed.
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 11:52 AM | 0 comments
Thank Me Later
I am overly excited for Drake's first album entitled 'Thank Me Later' as you can see. I think this will be the best thing that enters my iPod since umm.. So Far Gone coincidently enough *chuckles*. I have every ounce of faith that this will be a classic album & I will enjoy this for years to come, like I did Kanye's 'Graduation'.
Thank Me Later Drops June 15!!
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 7:25 PM | 0 comments
Producer's Block.
This is when a Producer, such as myself, cannot get his creative juices to flow. It is a musical disorder that refrains one of making music. Well.. Good music for that matter. This is a really painful thing. Especially when many artists need production. I feel like the walls are closing in on me. The house is crumbling down on my head before my very eyes. I wish this would go away. It hurts..
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 6:06 PM | 0 comments
I'm Single
Newest addition to Melissa (my iPod Touch)
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 8:20 AM | 0 comments
So Real..
'You Don`t Need To Win Anyone`s Heart; You Just Need To Ask For It.'
Via @kreeshaa
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 6:01 PM | 0 comments
I Just Don't Get It
I haven't felt comfortable in years. That's why I find it funny when people claim that I'm cocky. I just don't get it. Because how could I portray something to other people that is completely different from what's inside of me. I'm not a liar, nor do I front. I don't know. Whatever..
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 5:57 PM | 0 comments
Drake Performance At JUNO Awards 2010
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 5:19 PM | 0 comments
Fan Mail.
Dude said & I quote: "bro you don't know me. but You're Producing is HElla FxCxIN DOPE"
I live for this..
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 9:18 PM | 0 comments
Be You..
The other day, this guy said to me, "Yo.. I saw your girl, & she's soooo sweet. How do you get girls?" I chuckled & replied, "I don't know." He continued & asked, "Is it cause of your 'swag'?" I chuckled again and replied, "I have no clue". He then said in confusion, "So what is it!?" I replied, "Iunno.. I be myself, that's all I can really do." He stood there looking like he was about to laugh at me & then continued saying, "You gotta teach me that!"
I found this soo funny simply because a lot of guys think they have to do a certain thing, or be a certain person to attract girls. It's really not like that. I'm the type of guy that doesn't want to be labeled as 'another one of those guys'. Since that's my mentality, I just do me. That's all I really can do. God didn't create anybody the same. Maybe similar..
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 10:29 AM | 0 comments
10:09 AM
I can't take much more if this. It's bothering the hell outta me. What's the point of having your cake, but you can't even see it, much more eat it.
We're in 4th quarter pressure, & always end up with the L. Is God tryna tell me something? Is He tryna tell me to find another team? Is He trying to tell me to stay a rookie & for a little while before I become a pro?
I don't know.
But what I do know is that I don't want to. I love my team. We've had some good times, but it seems as though the losses outweigh the wins. Is it even worth playing?
I've wanted to quit a few times, but the thought of me leaving, & the team getting a better player is getting heavy on my mind. This is because I KNOW many people would not mind Playing for my team instead of me. I would be damned if I leave, then they make it to the play-offs. I wish I stayed a rookie for longer than I did. But I developed a love for the team, & I couldn't resist. The team practices once every week, but half the team can never make it. It makes no sense. Might as well not have practice then..
This is not about basketball.
This is about me & you..
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 7:27 AM | 0 comments
The Calm.
"Where did we go wrong, where do we belong
Caught up in the game and it's one I can't postpone
Meaning if it rains I'm the one it's raining on
When my diamond chain is on still nothing set in stone
Women borrow sweaters that I spray with my cologne
And tell me don't forget 'em and I promise that I won't
Feelin' so distant from everyone I've known
To make everybody happy I think I would need a clone"
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 9:45 AM | 0 comments
Come Out, Come Out!

This is a networking event meant to bring together Toronto’s artists, producers, models, photographers, entrepreneurs and record label executives to network and enjoy great performances. A portion of the proceeds will go towards a scholarship for the Africentric School. For tickets e-mail alawi.albaalawy@gmail.com or call 647-209-2167. Get yours today as there is a limited quantity!!
A Word From Hip-Hop:
This would be a great opportunity for you if you want to be able to get your name out with more people that can get you somewhere better than where you are now. Talent is a horrible thing to waste. Come out & suupport!
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 6:10 AM | 0 comments
I'm tired of talking about you. When's this chapter going to close. When am I going to finish reading this painful book, called 'Memories'.. All I know is.. I'm finished. Done. #Over..
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 6:58 PM | 0 comments
You Know..
"You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
Via LJ
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 6:18 PM | 0 comments
Wise Words
"I do not cease to give thanks for you when I remember you in my prayers."
- Ephesians 1:16
Posted by Y.Hip-Hop | at 9:18 AM | 0 comments